I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1079 - We’re Not the Same

Chapter 1079: We’re Not the Same

After verifying An Lin’s identity, all of the mighty figures were looking at An Lin with completely different expressions.

An Lin was not complacent or smug in the slightest. He was like a god with an expression that was perpetually cold and indifferent as he appraised the mighty figures around him.

“Now that I’ve verified my identity to everyone, it’s time for me to tell you some things.” An Lin interlaced his fingers together with a profound expression.

Lan Xiaoni was astonished. There was more to come?

All of the mighty figures stirred upon hearing this. No one appraised him now as just a junior with exceptional aptitude.

In contrast, everyone now saw him as an unimaginably powerful being with the power of the Heavenly Dao in his hands.

An Lin was already completely in the zone, and his natural flexing tendencies had completely taken over.

When he paused for a moment, no one dared to interject.

An Lin collected his thoughts before continuing, “Do you know why Lan Xiaoni is willing to call me Big Boss An Lin? I have indeed protected her in the tomb, but after attaining the power of the Heavenly Dao, her position should have transcended well beyond mine, so why is she still willing to call me Big Boss An Lin?”

Lan Xiaoni shot a surreptitious glance at An Lin with a hint of displeasure on her face. She was calling him Big Boss An Lin because she wanted to. There was no other reason!

That was her thought process, but that thought process was not mirrored by everyone else present.

All of the mighty figures instantly became curious. One of the Heavenly Turtle Tribe’s mighty figures couldn’t repress its curiosity, and the mighty figure asked, “Why is that the case, Heavenly Lightning God?”

“It’s because…” A faint smile appeared on An Lin’s face. “My power is of a higher level than Lan Xiaoni’s!”

All of the mighty figures present were astonished for the nth time. They were slowly beginning to feel like being astonished was their natural state of existence!

An Lin continued with an indifferent expression, “Lan Xiaoni inherited the power of the Ancient Heavenly Fiendcelestial. Think back for a bit. Is there a difference between my power and the power of the Ancient Heavenly Fiendcelestial?”

Everyone fell silent again.

After a while, Yu Feiyu spoke in a thoughtful voice, “The Ancient Heavenly Fiendcelestial’s power can control all water-type spell techniques, but An… the Heavenly Lightning God can not only control all lightning-type spell techniques, but he can also amplify their power…”

An Lin smiled. “That’s right. Using the enemy’s lightning against them is just the foundational power of the Heavenly Dao. In contrast, I can also amplify the power of lightning, which is a higher level of mastery! Why do you all think that is?

“It’s because I’m an existence on the same level as the Heavenly Sea God! I’m a representative of the Heavenly Dao’s sentient will! I control the paramount Heavenly Lightning Power!”

A massive stir erupted throughout everyone present again!

All of the mighty figures continued to stare at An Lin with incredulity.

Tina and the Jade Bone Immortal Bug were no exception.

“It’s over… Master had been completely carried away…”

“Giant An Lin sure dares to dream…”

At this moment, a logical mighty figure presented a retort.

“Stop making jokes at our expense, Heavenly Lightning God. The secrets that have just been deciphered clearly told us that the true Heavenly Gods that are a manifestation of the Heavenly Dao’s sentient will cannot enter the Tai Chu Continent…”

An Lin chuckled as he waved a hand through the air. “That’s only because the Heavenly Sea God is too useless! I am different!”


The Heavenly Sea God was too useless?

All of the mighty figures felt like their internal organs were churning and their ears rang with incredulity.

Lan Xiaoni’s lips twitched at how far-fetched this was becoming.

An Lin continued in his indifferent voice, “Why am I able to enter the Tai Chu Continent? This was a long journey. I sealed away my power in order to be born as a normal life form in this world before slowly tapping into my power…”

“This… this has a similar effect to the Heavenly Sea God using a living being on the continent to complete its mission in its stead!” Gu Yu let loose a cry of surprise.

Nice assist there, Senior Gu Yu!

An Lin extended praise to Gu Yu in his heart, but his expression remained indifferent. “If you think carefully about my past feats, you’ll notice some extraordinary aspects about me. Aside from me, have you ever seen any Dao Body Stage cultivator slay a mighty figure at the Return to Void Pinnacle Stage? Have you seen another cultivator cultivate for only a few years to reach the Soul Formation Pinnacle Stage? Have you seen another Soul Formation Stage cultivator as bad*ss as I am?”

None of the mighty figures had any answers to these three questions.

There really was no one else on this entire continent that was as bad*ss as him!

Some of the Return to Void Stage mighty figures were already trembling as they stared at An Lin with awe and veneration.

A smile appeared on An Lin’s face. “The reason why I’m so bad*ss is not because of how supremely talented I am. Instead… it is because I am a part of the Heavenly Dao!”

All of the mighty figures were scared sh*tless.

They had thought An Lin was in the same situation as Lan Xiaoni in that he had been chosen by the Heavenly Dao and received its inheritance. But who would have thought that An Lin was part of the Heavenly Dao himself…

“However,” An Lin’s words took a more gentle turn as he continued, “you don’t need to be too nervous. I have already been born as a living being of this world, and I have been influenced by this world as a result. Aside from being a bit more bad*ss, I’m actually the same as all of you. Just treat me as you would a normal living being.”

Some of the mighty figures were still trembling uncontrollably. Treat a part of the Heavenly Dao as a normal living being? They simply couldn’t do it!

“Furthermore, do you think it was a coincidence that I entered the Fallen God Seabed Tomb?”

An Lin continued to hammer nails into the coffin, “Aren’t you all baffled by how I, a human, inexplicably barged into a tomb that was constructed by the former High Priests of your two tribes?

“This sequence of coincidental events is just the will of the heavens in your eyes. To all of you, everything was pre-ordained by fate… This is actually incorrect as I was the one who set everything into motion. My will is the will of the heavens!”


All of the mighty figures present drew another sharp intake of breath.

“The reason I entered the tomb was actually to find my old friend, the Heavenly Sea God. I wanted to tell it in person to immediately give up on its stupid plan!

“The Heavenly Sea God and I actually have the same objective. Both of us just want to maintain the stability of this world and avoid a recurrence of the tragedy of the Ancient Tai Chu Realm.

“If Lan Xiaoni’s mission is to rule over the entire West Sea and destroy the human race, then what do you think my mission is?”

An Lin looked around at the mighty figures staring at him with earnest respectfulness. “My mission is to lead the human race to greater heights and let them maintain the stability of the world!”

Lan Xiaoni’s eyes widened as she stared blankly at An Lin.

Lan Xingyang, Gu Yu, Yu Feiyu, and all of the other mighty figures were also staring blankly at An Lin.

Even a pin drop could be audibly heard in this deathly silence.

An Lin broke the silence with his powerful voice. “The human race has made a mistake by stabbing a hole in the sky. The human race is like a dagger that can hurt me if used incorrectly. However, if this dagger is used correctly, it will become an unmatched weapon for me!

“That’s right, I have chosen to forgive the human race. I have a feeling that if the human race is destroyed, an unimaginable disaster will befall this world, a disaster that could very well result in the annihilation of this entire world. Choosing to support the human race will be an arduous task, but if I succeed, the Tai Chu Continent will usher in a new era of prosperity and glory!”

An Lin looked around at the numb mighty figures before continuing.

“The Heavenly Sea God has already agreed to my plan. It has bestowed its power upon Lan Xiaoni and commanded her to rule over the West Sea, then assist me in my plan with all her might! This is the true secret behind the one that has just been deciphered!

“Hence, Lan Xiaoni is my Underling Lan.”

An Lin looked at Lan Xiaoni with a hint of a doting expression on his face.

“That’s right, Big Boss An Lin! What you have said is all true!” Lan Xiaoni was astonished.

She was completely and utterly dumbstruck! To think he just pulled all of that out from his *ss!

A faint smile appeared on An Lin’s face as he looked up into the boundless starry night sky with a profound expression. “My power is far from fully awakened. The path to supporting the human race and taking them to greater heights will be a long and arduous one… Do you all want to fight alongside me for the sake of this world? When the time comes, you will all be the world’s greatest heroes!”

The five Dao Integration Stage super mighty figures were completely awestruck.

All of the Return to Void mighty figures were trembling uncontrollably.

They all realized that this could be the most vital turning point in their history!

The manifestation of a part of the Heavenly Dao’s sentient will was extending an invitation to them!

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