My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 432 The battle of the Royal Palace part 32

Sora then added : “Sanctions will be taken against all those who refused to fight tonight and exceptional rewards will be distributed to those who fought on our side.

Also, I’m proud to announce to all of you that humans and demons are no longer enemies and that a peace treaty will be signed between our two races, this will be our first step towards a lasting peace between our 2 territories.”

Sora, who was standing next to Kevin and Axel, motioned for Ian, Liam and Solomon to come forward and she said to Liam as she let him handle the rest : “You are the one the soldiers know best so it’s up to you to introduce your husband to those who don’t know who he is yet.”

She then added : “Try to give them a good impression, because this night will remain engraved in their hearts forever and in a few hours the rumors of this battle will start to circulate.

These soldiers must imperatively understand that we are all on the same side for the peace treaty to be successful.”

Liam nodded not knowing how to start, and Axel then smiled at him as he used the communication stones to tell him, ‘There’s no need to be nervous, everyone knows you here whether it’s demons or humans, you’re the legendary white wolf, they all trust you.’

Liam after these words of encouragement then stepped forward and he said to everyone who was in the courtyard of the Royal Palace : “I know change can be scary, and we have been fighting demons for so long that we have almost forgotten that once upon a time the border didn’t exist, and our races lived in perfect harmony together.

It was Xander himself who entrusted me with the task of maintaining our relationship with the rebellion led by Connor and Derek at that time, no matter what might happen to him, because he believed, as did Connor and Derek, in a world of peace where our races would once again live in harmony together.”

The courtyard of the Royal Palace was dead silent after these words and he said to them : “I want you all to know that tonight Connor and Derek were here… Connor himself freed our Queen from her chains, while he is still recovering from being held prisoner and tortured for 17 years, and Derek participated in the frontal assault of the Royal Palace with the other demons and side by side with Dilan and his men.”

The silence was suddenly broken by the cheers of the demons who all raised their swords to show the pride they felt in having such leaders and Liam smiled at them before continuing, speaking louder to cover the demons’ cheers : “Tonight, it was not only the former leaders of the rebellion who came to fight by our side.”

He pointed his hand at Solomon before saying : “Solomon, who is right behind me, has become the new undisputed leader of the rebellion after the presumed death of his uncle and he has fought our most formidable enemies alongside our new King.”

Still with the same hand, he pointed to Kerry and said, “Kerry, who is Solomon’s younger brother and who has been the military genius of the rebellion all these years, has helped them win many battles with his flawless strategies.

He was personally chosen by our King to lead the frontal assault on the Royal Palace because our King knew that Kerry was the only one with the experience and intelligence to deal with any situation that might arise during the battle.

And thanks to his demons and with the unwavering support of Dilan and his men, everything went really well and the casualties were kept to a minimum.”

Liam had to stop then because this time the clamor and applause was also coming from the humans who were proud to have fought alongside the demons.

And as the swords were raised once more and the demons and humans were cheering at each other, Kevin said to him using the communication stones, ‘You’re really impressive, the atmosphere that was a bit tense after the battle has completely changed, everyone seems to be celebrating the victory now.’

Liam didn’t turn to look at him but he said, ‘It’s normal Kev, after the adrenaline of the battle, the fear of change has taken over everyone.

Nobody really knows what’s going to happen next, all they know is that the way they live and their habits are going to have to change, and that’s what they’re afraid of, they just need to be reassured by people they know and trust… Kev, you don’t have to worry anymore, everything will be fine now, you’ll see.’

And as he let everyone celebrate their victory, he held out his right hand to Ian, who immediately took it and joined him, now standing beside him.

After the excitement that his speech had created calmed down a bit, Liam started to speak again : “For those of you who still have doubts about humans living with demons, let me introduce you to someone.”

He then put his arm around Ian’s shoulders, who had deactivated his Drakonit bloodline, keeping only the red circle around his pupils to prove that he was indeed a demon, and he said to them : “I’m not sure that everyone has recognized him yet, so this is Ian, a Sun Sect instructor, and he has become the new demon King only a few days ago.”

As he expected, after this news there were many whispers, as many humans still didn’t know that it was Ian who had become the new demon King.

He then continued his speech : “The circumstances that allowed him to awaken his two bloodlines, the one of pure demon and the one of Drakonit, will be revealed to all of you later.

Right now, all you have to know is that just like Kevin, Ian has been chosen by the divine laws of our world to be the new demon King and his tattoos on his body are proof of that.”

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