Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 306 Nushi And Tiga, Lucid Dream Insertion

Noel turned away from Her spatial construct after transporting Calabro inside with her grandson. She was accompanied by Tiga, Nushi, and Nixi; the rest of the women were all busy getting ready to leave.

"I think this is a bit harsh for even me. There is no way that the two of them are ever going to get out of there! I don\'t take our grandson\'s side very often, but throwing the bull-headed creature in there with him!" Nixi growled as they all turned back to the apartment.

"If that creature is to come with us, then Mex is going to have to beat some sense into it," Noel said without batting an eye as she strode forward.

The shorter Nixi walked beside her, but the other two girls fell back from them. Tiga seemed distressed, but Nushi knew precisely what the problem was.

Though, that, in turn, was the real problem.

Nushi could see into others\' minds and even predict what they would do next. What she couldn\'t do was alter them, and there was something creepy about Calabro, the Manticore\'s mind.

"Do you think that my father is going to be okay? I know that he seems crazy and rude, but he is actually really nice! There is just something wrong with his head… he sometimes would say strange things, like he was talking to someone," Tiga explained to Nushi.

Nushi watched it happen like she was there herself, as Tiga explained. Her power allowed her to see actual scenes from their memory into people\'s minds, but that was the limit to Nushi\'s ability inside of the mind.

Nushi watched the Calabro, the Manticore, argue with himself as she hid around the corner in the dark tunnel. She was in Tiga\'s body as a passenger, but the memory continued even after the Mantiken stopped explaining.

Suddenly, Nushi is pulled into the vision, and her world goes black.

Nushi opened her inside Tiga\'s body, but her thoughts were no longer her own. Nushi is unaware, but her abilities have just grown, and she has gained a new power.

[Lucid Dream Insertion- The ability to enter a person\'s mind and feel what they do. This also allows you to use all your abilities while in the dream as well.]

Both Noel and Nixi turn around as both girls fall to the ground. The women don\'t turn to the noise, but instead because the presence of both girls had disappeared.

Both Tiga and Nushi were lying in the grass like they had just passed out walking. The two grandmothers looked at each other in shock, but Nixi was the first to speak.

"I don\'t feel anything from either of them, but both of their chests are still moving, so they are not dead. Whatever this is, I am sure that it has something to do with Nushi and her powers. Go get whoever is in the house to come help us get them inside to beds for now," Nixi ordered, and Noel nodded.

Nixi turned back to the two girls lying on the ground, rolling her eyes. Then she looked up at the spatial construct Mex, and Calabro tried to complete and shook her head.

"I really hope that boy is making progress with whatever he has left on this island," Nixi growled under her breath as she waited for Noel to return with help, even though Nixi could have carried them by herself.

That wasn\'t her job!

[View of Tiga/Nushi, Three Days Prior in Tiga\'s Dream]

Tiga\'s father argued with himself, and it was something that the girl had seen her entire life. Though, things had suddenly started to get worse this morning.

"I am safe here, and so is my daughter!" My father said from the mouth of the cave.

\'Then he stopped, though I couldn\'t see his face from this far, so I decided to move closer.\' Tiga thought as she crept forward.

In the back of Tiga\'s mind, Nushi was watching and creeping forward with the Mantiken. The whole experience was challenging for Nushi to take in at first, but the moment they were in the range of Calabro, she snapped to attention.

You are never safe, and you know this. They will be just like the rest and betray you in the end, even your precious daughter.

Even though this wasn\'t her body, hearing the chilling etheric voice made her thoughts freeze in panic. Whatever was talking right now was nothing she had ever heard before.

A man is coming that is going to kill you and take the girl from you! Nothing you can do will save you!

Unbeknownst to the insidious voice, Tiga continued to creep forward until she was within ten feet of her father. The voice sounded like it was coming from something vast and monstrous the way that it echoed through her mind.

"I don\'t care what you think! I have listened to you over the years and barely survived! This is one thing that I will not do, and I will defend her from anyone that tries to take her!" Calabro roared, causing Tiga to cry out in fright at her fathers\' outburst.

The Manticore whirled around on his daughter and stared at her. The two of them locked eyes, and Nushi could feel Tiga\'s fear.

Next, what the voice said in the Manticore mind gave Nushi her own dose of real fear. The Manticore was a child compared to the powerful creature she was, but the voice…

You need to kill your daughter, and then you will prevent Mex from ever leaving the island. Then, if he tries, the Witch of the Sea will kill him and all of his family.

That\'s what you want, right?

Then I can force that creature to be yours, and you will finally have everything you want, right?

Calabro\'s eyes went huge, and Nushi could tell that he had entertained many different scenarios. Not only did they end in her father\'s brutal end, but her own as well.

Suddenly, Nushi is pulled into five more dreams, fracturing her mind. She was pulled into five more dreams, seeing them all at once.

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