Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 327: Runes of The Nine Hells

Chapter 327: Runes of The Nine Hells

Holding my gaze upon Loki, I did not speak, but neither did he. There was an odd tension within the air, created not by me but rather the heart he held. It was frightened and cautious.

"I cannot," He said, leaving no room for discussion.

Not in the least interested in forcing him, a shard appeared within my palm. It was glossy black, resembling the shadows of Night, "Give this to them. If our goals are aligned, I believe cooperation could happen, or well, I am sure you know." I said, vanishing into the shadows appearing within the forest covered in scattered bones.

Smelling the foul air, memories of a time appeared when the Night the Moon was once crimson emerged, and the forest was blanketed by snow.

"You have returned; I pondered who would be your next target. So tell me, boy, why should I help you kill Sitri when you are already in my debt?" His cold, savage voice resounded while my body vanished, appearing within a colosseum. It was large, stretching far and wide, with bloodstains stretching like webs over the dusty ground, but no one was around.

"Baphomet," I whispered, gazing at the bloody beast gripping a massive obsidian ax soaked in the blood of souls. Even from here, I could smell it overflowing with sin, "Do you truly believe I will kill Sitri?" I asked, taking a seat at the round table he procured.

Stabbing his ax into the ground, Baphomet grinned, drooling with carnage. I should have been afraid, but all I felt was indifference, as if he was like everyone else.

Pulling out his chair, his appearance swiftly changed faster than a blinking eye. He appeared like a ruggedly handsome man, not overly large, but he was muscular. His hair was short, but his eyes were black, without any sclera. Meeting my gaze, he sat with a cunning smile.

(A/N: Sclera is the white of our eyes.)

"Then why come to me?" He asked with a savage smile.

"A trade, " I said, narrowing my eyes at the cup of scarlet liquid that had somehow appeared before I knew it. Lifting it up, I eyed the demon, taking a sip without hesitation.

"Fairy blood, mixed with the blood of a True Believer," He uttered, taking a sip, basking in joy for some reason.

Looking down at my cup that was almost empty, I almost smiled, turning my gaze back to the demon, "What I want is the Runes of The Nine Hells."

"It would seem you have taken well to the Rituals of Damnation," Said Baphomet licking his scarlet lips. "And what, my boy, are you doing with that?"

"I\'m forging a weapon,"

"A weapon!" Baphomet taunted, narrowing his eyes. "Boy, are you trying to waste my time?"

"Yes," I slowly replied, taking the last sip of blood, enjoying the smooth honey-like taste. It stung upon my tongue, bringing a new type of flavor I never thought possible. "Do you truly believe I have involved an angel for no reason? I am a devil Baphomet, and I now need a true devil, something more powerful than anything many can not hope to battle against. The Hells are both good and evil, so its runes can offer more than the seven heavens could ever hope."

"This is not just about getting Lilith back, is it?"

Scuffing, the echoes of shattering glass rang. Tossing his cup away, I narrowed my eye, "It is indeed about Lilith. Everything I do is about her." I answered, raising my hands as a golden light appeared upon my hands. "You know what this is, don\'t you? I believe your dear friend gave it to me because he could not find my wife."

Rising up, he bellowed in laughter, "GOOD MY BOY!"

"Yes, and in return, I tell you something that may interest you." I lightly said as another cup of blood appeared within my hands, "Have you ever wondered where Lilith went when Azeroth, The Sleeping Sin, was looking for her?"

"I have. He came to me, asking for help, yet no matter how much we searched, she was gone."

"Well, according to the abyssal children, she was in a labyrinth within the depts of the abyss. There she came upon a sword, by the name of—"

"Morningstar," He completed in a grim tone, "I saw that battle, and I saw the blade of lucifer within her hands."

Solemnly nodding, I continued, "Indeed, The Blade of Morningstar was there located upon the seventh floor, but there was something else."

Chuckling, he smiled, "You are playing with fire, my boy."

"That is why I cam to a demon, to tame the flame." I replied, "So how about it, Bahpemet."

"You\'re going to trap, Sitri, and Yeshamiel forcing them into a dual torment for your weapon; they will be its spirit."

"Quite right," I maliciously uttered, "So is the way we devil work. That angel, if he shows, will only sever to seal his own fate. So is the consequence of challenging me."

"Truly, you truly are one of us; it doesn\'t matter how much your blood change, oh prince of Noctem; at the end of the day, your soul will be that of a devil."

"I would have to agree, but things may change... my ego will shift once Lilith is free. I could be more of a monster than I was, or I could be, I don\'t even know."

Measuring me with his dark eyes, Baphomet stocked his empty chin, "Now that will be quite a sight, but I believe it time for me to cash in my favor, don\'t you think?"

"Not before you accept my contract," I coldly said. This was a risk I was taking; I didn\'t need to take it, but the risk outweighed the gains. With Bahpmet helping me out, this would be a game-changer.

"Thinking I would back out? And simply ask you to take me to the pale gate? COme now, Arsene, even if I do as I please, I do like you. You remind me of myself, and you are my disciple."

Scuffing at his words, a contract appeared in front of him. Scanning over its contents, he eyed me for a second, nodding before signing without hesitation.

"My favor, my boy, is for you to acquire me a heart." He coldly said, "A heart of innocents, it cannot be from a child, but rather a cultivator who has seen battle. Who has seen war, suffering but has remained pure since.

"You want him? Why?" I questioned, already knowing that man in wish he spoke about.

"Potential," he replied, revealing nothing upon his face.

"Do you want all of him or just the heart?" I inquired, not giving it much thought. Enemies were bound to be made, and making them was my specialty.

"It\'s up to you, but my main focus will be his heart," Baphomet waved his hands as I appeared we first met. "Call upon my name when you need to inscribe the Runes of The Nine Hells on this so-call weapon."

Glancing at the skies brightly lit, I arose into the clouds, peeping in the direction of the Isle. "Sitri, I hear these runes are quite special, existing since the birth of the Nines themselves. You think Lilith is suffering his unyielding; simply wait till you fall into mine. You can fake the nines all you want, but without the flames of hellfire, it\'s nothing more than an imitation."

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