Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 146: A Respite From Adventuring VIII

Chapter 146: A Respite From Adventuring VIII

【159th day】

It wasn\'t until a whole day later that I was contacted by Yukikaze.

When I went to the temple of the flame religion, I found Rutsuko-san with dark circles under her eyes and all kinds of ingredients scattered all over the kitchen. For some reason, the Gunmerrys were slumped on the ground. The priestess was also there, surveying the mess in the kitchen.

「Souya-san, the broth………………I failed!」

A weeping Rutsuko-san clung onto me.

「I did my best! But I\'m missing something! I couldn\'t find something that would bring it all together!」

「Umm, well, I find it really delicious though」

The priestess mumbled her impression as she sipped the broth.

「It\'s no good! It\'s just like a bird with its wings ripped off!」

「Oh, please let me have a taste too」

I received a small bowl of the broth from the priestess.

I took a sip.

It had a creamy but rich flavor. And yet, the broth was clear. It was a little lacking in terms of saltiness, but it had a sophisticated taste.

It was truly……

「This is tonkotsu(pork bone) broth, isn\'t it? Mmm, it\'s delicious」

「I agree. What is it that you\'re dissatisfied with, I wonder?」

It was delicious enough to be served in stores, so I and the priestess both cocked our heads in puzzlement.

「One more, it just needs one more ingredient. I can\'t serve this kind of flawed broth to anyone!」

「You\'re really particular about it, huh, Rutsuko-san?」

「What a strange girl, I don\'t see what she\'s complaining about. But I\'ve had this kind of broth before somewhere………Where was it, I wonder?」

「Where was it, indeed……」

I don\'t know about the priestess, but something about the taste nagged at me too.

「Souya-saaaan, the flavor, it needs more deliciousnessssssss! Please find some miso for me somehow. As it is, I can\'t do justice to my late mom\'s recipe, so I can\'t serve this broth」

Rutsuko-san\'s face was stained with tears and snot. If anyone saw this scene, they might get the wrong idea. But still………

「Miso, huh?」

I do have some, but once again, I only have enough for household consumption.

After all, Rana loves miso soup, and she always asks for tonjiru(pork miso soup) for supper. I\'m not about to sacrifice her enjoyment for the flame religion\'s sake.



I received a communication on my glasses.

「Excuse me for a second」

I handed the sticky Rutsuko-san to the priestess and went into the hallway.

「What is it?」

『Makina has heard the entire story』

It was from Makina.

「Don\'t tell me, is there miso in the alternate world or something?」

『That’s exactly what Makina was going to say!』

No way.

『Souya-san, you tend to miss the small details, don\'t you? There have been hints in the conversations you\'ve had with others so far. Does something come to mind?』

「No, not at all. Just cut to the chase and tell me」

『Do you want Makina to tell you?』


『Oh, sorry. Please don\'t cut the communication. Makina will tell you right away』


『Don\'t give Makina the silent treatment! It\'s in madam\'s family home』

「Eh, in Heures Forest?」

『It seems that madam\'s aunt, Alma-sama, was doing research on this when she was alive. In one of her books at home, Makina found an account of her cultivating what seemed to be a form of green mold and using it in the preparation of food. From one of your conversations with Medimu-sama, it\'s quite likely that madam\'s father has carried on Alma-sama\'s work of making miso. Makina believes that this is a sure thing. This is valuable information, right? Right?!』




Dammit, to think that she\'d have useful information even though she\'s just Makina.

「Th, thank you」

『Fufufu~. Makina~ out~』

She cut the communication.

I feel frustrated. Very frustrated.

But why am I getting so worked up over an A.I.?

I went back to the kitchen……

「Rutsuko-san……oh, she\'s asleep」

「She did work through the night after all」

Rutsuko-san was sleeping in the priestess\' arms. Her face was pale, and she didn\'t seem to be having a pleasant dream.

「I have an idea of where to find the ingredient she needs, so I\'m heading out. Can I leave her to you?」

「Yes, of course. But you know, I don\'t see anything wrong with this broth. So, just take things easy. I would hate for you to go overboard」

「Yeah, I\'ll be fine. I\'m just going to………have a quick chat with my wife\'s father」

「Dear me, then it won\'t do unless you go overboard, no?」

I hate to say it, but you may be right.

I went home first and told my sister, who was held captive by the kotatsu, about the situation.

She wasn\'t too keen on the idea, but out of concern for my safety, she grudgingly agreed to accompany me.

We left the city and walked through the snowy plain.

Since it was so open, the wind felt really cold. Because of that, my sister clung to my arm.

As we walked further west from the snow-covered remains of our camp, a snow-tinged forest came into view.

It was Heures Forest, the domain of the elves, which I had stayed well clear of since Geto-san\'s warning.

「Onii-chan, stick closer to me」

「Umm, like how?」

「Hug me from behind」

「Alright, alright」

I put my hands around my sister\'s waist from behind, then draped her cloak over me.

With Lola\'s cloak making us invisible, we entered the forest. We were moving at a snail\'s pace as it was hard to walk while huddled together.

I can feel my sister\'s body heat seeping into mine. She smells sort of citrusy. We\'re so close together that every time we move, her buttocks brushes against my………

「Onii-chan, are you thinking about something weird right now?」

「No way」

If anything, I\'m desperately trying not to think such thoughts.

「Just so you know, any Hemus who are found trespassing in the Forest will be torn to pieces, so pay attention to the surroundings instead of my attractive body, alright?」

「Got it」

She\'s right.

Some time ago, a knight order from a certain country had entered this place and got burned to a crisp along with part of the forest. I don\'t know the exact number of casualties, but it wasn\'t anything as small as a dozen or two. If a Hemu, the race that was the cause of everything, were to be found, he would certainly be killed.

No, they would probably mess him up pretty badly before killing him. Along with the elven girl who was with him.

Though we\'re invisible, it doesn\'t mean that gravity has no effect on us. We still leave footprints and other traces behind. A good tracker may notice that something is amiss. We must stay alert and tread carefully.

But still, this is such an eerie forest.

It\'s deeper and the sky feels much further away than what I had expected looking at it from the outside. Everywhere I turn, the lines of trees look the same. The snow covering the entire forest floor makes it even harder to make out any differences.

If I had gone into this place alone, I would likely have been unable to find my way out.


Catching sight of other elves, I stilled my breathing instantly.

There were two sentries posted atop a watchtower built into a large tree. They were equipped with traditional composite bows, with quivers and hunting daggers at their hips. Their eyes turned our way, causing my heart to race.

(We\'ll be walking on the roots from here on out, so be careful not to trip and fall)


We walked on top of the roots of the trees, doing our best not to leave any footprints as we continued onward.

I held my breath when we passed directly under the sentries. For some reason, Ea\'s quickened heartbeat calmed me down. I made sure that I would be able to draw my sword at any time.

I don\'t plan to kill anyone, but I will knock them out to the point where they\'ll feel terrible when they regain consciousness the next day.

The sentries were irregularly spaced out.

Because of that, we had to be on our toes.

(Ea, you don\'t know where the sentries are posted?)

(No, I don\'t. The positions of the sentries have changed since I was last here)

It can\'t be helped. We\'ll have to proceed slowly and carefully just as we have up till now.

The dwellings in this forest were built by hollowing out large trees. Most of the sentries were keeping watch from second-story terraces. However, not everyone that we saw was a trained soldier. There were some younger men, who yawned as they watched the surroundings, and some young girls, who chatted and laughed quietly as they stood guard. There were even some who were unarmed or had hoes in their hands.

In short, they were the inhabitants.

Many of them were just regular people, but they were on the lookout for enemies from the outside.

Among them, there was even a child smaller than Maria standing guard. Her breath was visible and she was trembling from the cold as she stood there holding a bow too large for her.

I had heard about it, but when faced with this sight, I found it hard to bear.

Given that I\'m racially a Hemu, albeit from another world, will the wife and sister of a person such as myself ever be able to return to their homeland, I wonder?

(Onii-chan, we might be in a bit of a pickle here)

(What’s wrong)

My sister led me into the shadow of one of the dwellings to hide.

Following her gaze, I noticed a tree that was larger than the others. Naturally, it had also been made into a dwelling.

Standing guard over the dwelling were four armored elves, which was a rare sight.

Them wearing armor was unusual, but the armor itself was also unusual. The winged helmets exposed their eyes and noses, and the light metal armor featured intricate designs. The spears they carried looked ceremonial, as did the swords hanging from their hips.

I\'ve never seen such weapons and armor in the city. Is this the traditional equipment of the elves, I wonder?

(That guy………)

(Someone you know?)

Ea was looking at someone among the four elves.

(Yeah, it\'s someone I\'d rather not have to deal with. It might be difficult to sneak into the house without him noticing)

It appeared that our destination was the dwelling guarded by the elves.

(I see, then it can’t be helped)

If Ea says that it\'d be difficult, then I\'m sure she\'s right.

(Alright, let\'s wait)

(We’re going to wait?)

(Let\'s wait until the sun goes down and see if there\'s an opening. If there isn\'t, we\'ll go back. I\'m not about to risk my life for ramen\'s sake)

I wouldn\'t have wanted to even if I was alone, but my sister too, huh?

(Alright. Let\'s do that)

After moving around a bit, we found a large tree with a cave-like cavity and sat down inside to stay out of sight of the inhabitants.

In preparation for the return trip, Ea turned off the cloak\'s invisibility for the time being.

「Yukikaze, turn the sensors up to full power. Let me know if anyone approaches. And keep an eye on the four back there using bug drones」


The bug drones are a species of mosquito modified by the A. I., to which a camera and simple sensors have been attached.

『Yukikaze didn\'t expect to have to do any surveillance, so Yukikaze only has five bug drones on hand. Given the cold conditions, their lifespan is at most three hours』

「Will the cameras still function after the drones are dead?」

『If it\'s just the images from the cameras you want, they’ll continue to transmit them for about five hours』

「Then we\'ll use them like fixed cameras, so position them appropriately」

『Understood, indeed』

Once I had finished giving Yukikaze her orders, there was nothing for me to do but wait.

「Hmm, hmm~」

My sister came over and sat on my lap.

「It feels like you\'ve been spending less time with me lately」


Certainly, ever since Maria came, I\'ve been spending less time with Ea.

「It\'s okay though. I\'m not going to be a child forever, you know? Not that I\'m a child now or anything」

Ea shifted and put her hands around my neck. To keep our body heat from escaping, I wrapped our bodies in the cloak.

The close contact was enough to make me forget about the wintry air.

I could feel her warm breath on my neck. Her legs seemed cold, so I rubbed them to warm them up.

「But well, I don\'t mind being a child right now」

Ea stole my top hat and gleefully pulled it over her eyes.

She\'s my big yet spoiled little sister. How long is it going to take for her to grow up, I wonder?

………………She’s cute the way she is though.

It’s kinda fun that this arc is becoming an educational one about popular Japanese dishes lol. That said, of course it would be miso, right? It can’t get more Japanese than that.

I’ve just been assuming that the bug drones are just miniature mechanical drones, but they’re actual bugs, huh…that’s kinda unexpected…

But we finally get to see the inside of Heures Forest……after 7 volumes……sure did take a while. I’m glad Ea finally gets some air time again, it’s been a while too. Will Ea and Souya be able to “Solid Snake” their way into Melm’s house? Stay tuned to find out!

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