Speed Is King

Chapter 353 All the bloodlines

At his angry shout, the three girls instantly stopped talking and turned to look at the Red Dragon Primal.

Jessica Sands was about to retort back when Harold Sands interjected seriously.

“He is right. We are in an extremely important meeting. The fate of the universe is at stake. We need to focus.” Harold Sands said to her granddaughter quietly.

“As I said before, the universe can burn itself straight to hell, for all I care.” Jennifer replied in a voice no less serious than Harold Sands.

“Impudent!” The Red Dragon Primal roared once more. He slammed his hand on the table and stood up. “You are part of this universe too! If we fall, so will you! Get that thought into your thick skull, little rabbit!”

“No we won’t. We have already lost everything else except for each other. We have nowhere left to fall. You, on the other hand, have much to lose. But forgive me for not giving a rat’s ass about what happens to you.

Why should I? You mean nothing to me. You did nothing to help me when I needed help. You and your kind can die the way my fellow human beings died. Good riddance.” Jennifer said with a heart full of malice.

Elliot turned to look at Jennifer in surprise. He did not expect his sister’s heart to be so full of hatred!

It shocked him to sobriety and made him realize that he couldn’t continue being bitter and angry. He needed to show his sisters a higher way of living, a way to live without such malice and deep seated anger.

And for that, he needed to lead by example.

He had once heard that forgiveness is a choice. You need to choose to forgive, to let go of your right to be angry, even righteously angry at the one who hurt you.

And when you made that choice and release acceptance that what was done was done, and you no longer needed to make whoever did it pay the price or feel the same pain as you did, then your heart could feel the release of hatred as well.

He needed to do that first, and then guide his sisters down the same path!

There was nothing to gain by withholding forgiveness, and wallowing in painful anger and wrath everyday!

“Jenn. Jess. Let me handle this.” Elliot said softly.

Jennifer and Jessica turned to look at their elder brother, unwillingness still showing in their eyes, especially Jennifer’s.

They still had things to say to these high and mighty Primals who stood above the rest of the universe and doomed trillions to their fates by their inaction and complicit support of Chairman El’Taras!

“Do as I say, and accept all the decisions that I make for us. You know that I will always make the best choice for you two, right?” Elliot continued.

At his words, the two girls immediately nodded and agreed. There was no doubt in their minds that their elder brother loved them beyond anything in his life! He had shown it to them over and over again.

And so, they immediately shut their mouths and stepped back to stand with their teacher, Primal Lilian who had thus far merely watched her new disciples with a very intrigued look on her face.

Elliot turned to look at Jessica Sands, who immediately nodded as well without even being needed to be asked.

“You can make decisions for me. After all, you are our new… bakery boss. Hehehehehehhe.” Jessica Sands giggled cutely and conspiratorially.

“Thank you Jessica.” Elliot said with a smile before turning to face Saint Dul’Akharat and the Primals seriously.

“I will accept the mission on four conditions.” He said with a calm voice.

“First, the complete time reversal of planet earth to pre-apocalypse. Jessica, will you be able to do that? Chairman El’Taras will bear all the cost you need to get it done.”

“Uh. Reverse time walk on a planetary level is a one off thing. Ripping the entire planet’s timeline and moving it backwards for such a huge amount of time while still remaining within the current universe places it on a very unique energy bubble that is irreversible.” Jessica Sands said rather apologetically. “There is absolutely no way to do it a second time around. The chrono structures around the planet will not support a second reverse time walk.”

Elliot could feel a wave of disappointment rise powerfully within him.

Earth was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it!

But he pressed on.

“If a reverse time walk is not doable, then I expect a complete stop of the Games and an unlimited amount of funds and expertise to rebuild the planet into a utopia. The planet is to be protected by every single faction, and is in permanent diplomatic alliance with them.” Elliot said through slightly gritted teeth.

“Done.” Saint Akharat said smoothly and turned to all the Primals. “Destroy the beasts, kill or recapture all fugitives, and immediately instruct your troops to peacekeeping duties. My planetary architects would immediately descend to Earth and transform it into a utopia for human beings.”

The Primals nodded and immediately sent out instructions to that effect. Their words would instantly make their way down the numerous empires under their command, and the effects would probably be felt very, very soon.

Within minutes, an hour on the outside, Earth’s apocalypse would end!

“Secondly, I want all the bloodlines and rune repositories of all Primals present here. All who reject this demand is to be considered an enemy of the universe, and be treated as such. Before we crush the enemy that knocks on our door, we must crush the snake that lurks within.” Elliot said calmly.

A deep smothering silence appeared in the room, before the Red Dragon Primal roared with incredulous laughter!

“You want all of my runes, and my complete bloodline? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!”

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