Epic of Bee

Chapter 297 Changing The Place Around

I ran and jumped on my bed, flopping face forward, and my three M\'s came to join as the Levi-Pad rose up to get the other two. In the week that I had been gone, nothing had changed in my room, but I missed my bed so much. Sleeping on the hard ground had been no fun with the Vampires, but I had Helaina with me at the time, so it hadn\'t been that bad. Still, I was glad to be back home with everyone.

I rolled over, sucking in my wings, and Messia, Miasma, and Miku all cuddled into me as we waited for the other girls. They all just stayed quiet, but I was perfectly fine with that. This was all a bit of an overload for my brain right now, so I was glad just to lay silently for a bit as the other four came down, but then that reminded me of a certain Boxy Bee.

"Girls! I have someone that I want you all to meet!" I said with excitement, and the girls all suddenly sat up as the other women came over. "Hilda, I would like for you to join this meeting as well, if you don\'t mind."

My Boxy Bee appeared but then became the beautiful creature that I had been so entranced with when dealing with the Sky Folk. I had to look away from Hilda, but I heard her laughing in a gentle but excited.

"Of course, Ashia!" Hilda said and then sat by my head with a smile as I put my wings down. Now that everyone was here, it was time to get this meeting started!


"I want you all to know that no matter what happens from this day forward, I will always love you," I explained as they all nodded in understanding as the ten of us sat around a large clear golden table I had created, along with some chairs. "Now then, let\'s start with introductions, shall we?" I asked, and everyone nodded again as Hilda stood up from her seat she had snagged right away when I sat down.

"I am sure that most of you already know me as the Boxy Bee, but this is what I actually look like. My title is Sky Eel Folk Goddess, but that doesn\'t really mean anything to me, as I was technically Ashia\'s first subject," Hilda explained and turned to me. "I Eel always Bee by your side, my Queen."

Why was she so pretty?!

"Erhm, thank you, umm, Hilda, and I appreciate everything that you have done for me, but seriously, how do you have a body right now?!" I asked as Hilda sat down with a smile, but then suddenly became golden and transparent like the table and chairs I had made.

"I guess that you have made me a temporary body for now until you can find my real one. I can feel your touch, so that is good enough after being confined to that tiny body or in your head," Hilda explained, and I nodded.

"Well, that is good," I said and looked over at Messia, who was beside me.

"She is really pretty," Messia said with a chuckle, and I mouthed, \'I know!\'

"Sakura and Helaina, do you want to introduce yourself?" I asked, and Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Not really; we all had met when they mobbed us. Don\'t we have more important things to be worried about?" Sakura groaned, and Messia laughed from beside me.

"I like this one," Messia said as she leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I turned to meet her. It had felt like ages since the last time I had done this, and Messia\'s long tongue swirled with mine. I had trouble pulling away, but thankfully, Miasma pushed us apart and then came to sit on my lap, like how she used to always do before.

"You wanted to talk to us about something?" Miasma asked after giving me a quick kiss.

"I think that it would be good to Bee more open with Each other. I don\'t mean big orgies or anything like that, but I am only one person. I just want everyone to be more comfortable, just within this group," I said slowly, and everyone nodded.

"I get what you mean. Still, we have a lot to do, and the ship is long past overdue for an upgrade, don\'t you think?" Miasma said, hugging Messia in with me.

"That is true, but without Gamble here, I would like to hold off on adding things. What we will do is work on the ship itself," I explained and gestured, and nectar from the table rose up and created a copy of the Flying Hive Fortress, but really big. The upside-down teardrop had weapons mounted on it, but I floated up with Miasma to remove them with a sweep of my hand.

"What happened to you while you were gone?! You seem so much stronger!" Miasma exclaimed, and I giggled.

"Special workout plan. Bee in a mountain fighting monsters, much longer than I had thought, then fighting your way to the center of the Meccat Capital, defeat the ruling King. Then you have to go and fight an almost infinite amount of spaceships while killing some top-level fighters. I can\'t claim the boss, Tag and Sig came in for the win there, but you all did a wonderful job!" I said with a grin and then started to tickle Miasma, which caused her cute form to squirm more.

"Anything else we should know about?" Miku asked.

"For now, We are going to start expanding the lower Hexscape. I don\'t think that we are going to need weaponry for the Flying Hive Fortress since I don\'t plan on having it move around as much now. I want our people to have to worry about that sort of thing for our home base, and I plan on trying to make this place like a city. I have Rai Cait and the other Meccat now for an exploration ship, so I would like to focus on this place as our main city. We still have much of the world to explore and conquer, but it is not like I am trying to rule all. I just want to get everyone on the same page, so that when we all leave, we have the best possible team that we can have. I have seen what it is like to lose, and I know the pain of seeing every one of you die. It is a background thing for me, but it doesn\'t make it any less real," I explained, and Miasma kissed me.

"I think that we will be able to do anything that you have set out for us," Miasma said with a warm smile, and I hugged her tight. I had missed all of my girls so much, but like Sakura said, there were more important things to worry about right now.

I began to look through this new version of the Flying Hive Fortress and began to see what we could add. I wanted places where everyone could be out in the open, but it might take a while to get everything completed. While I was doing that, Miasma had gone back down to tell everyone else how things were going. It was nice being able to do something like this again after not having a home for so long now. I had a home before in the realm of humans, but that didn\'t really have anybody living there at the time other than my mother. I wanted to make sure that if we ever were attacked again, this was going to stay standing and never have to go through an experience like this again.

I ended up going outside with Miku so we could fly together for a while and take in some fresh air since we hadn\'t been able to do so for a while because of all the fighting lately. It felt good being up here in my world again after being away for so long now without seeing it since I created it just haven\'t gotten around like I had wanted to. There was always something else requiring my attention somewhere else, and today, that much-needed break from everything seemed well-deserved while we prepared for the invasion of the Wasp folk.

"What was it like, Bee-ing on your own?" Miku asked as we flew around the once flying fortress that was now expanding out. I really liked what I was able to do and how it seemed so much larger than before.

"It was strange, but I guess that is what you would get when you stick a queen on the front lines of a war with monsters," I said as we both laughed softly. "I miss having Gamble around, though. this whole time, I have had to do things for myself, and I Otter been used to it, but there is no denying that it was a hard-fought battle."

"Honey, I don\'t think that any of us would have made it out of those battles alive. It was through perseverance and a strong will to not give up that we all were able to make it out in one piece. I am just glad that you are back now, so you can rest for a while without having the weight of the world on your shoulders," Miku said as she kissed my cheek and then with her flat tongue before kissing me again with soft lips.

"Thank you, sweetie. That really means a lot to me, and I am just glad that everyone is here with me to help make this all possible," I said as we heard a booming sound coming from the distance.

"What was that?" Miku asked as we both stopped in midair and looked around.

I looked in the direction of the sound and saw a massive black and yellow dragon flying our way.

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