Everyone Else Has a System

Chapter 271 Floor 100th (Past)


Floor 100th

Dungeon of Chaos

Forgotten Island

Walking through the last floor as I bid farewell to Ziana before promising her that I will return, I smiled as I wondered what kind of monster I will come across this time.

Entering the 100th floor, I found myself on a small floating island, and there was a temple-like place in front of me. My eyes looked at the streams of water that were flowing from the sides of the temple before they went down the island.

The sky. It was dark with a scenic night view. Kind of fairyland-type if you ask me. A bit lonely, but still beautiful. I looked around before moving towards the temple one step at a time. It had been about 2 years since I entered this dungeon. The fact that I survived without eating or drinking was a miracle in itself.

"I wonder if there is going to be a really scary monster this time… or will it be like Ziana?" I questioned as I pondered before entering the temple. A row of statues facing the entrance as if staring; a row of statues on the other side of the temple.

"What\'s that?" I thought as I saw the water chalice placed in the centre of the room and moved towards that with a bit of curiosity.

"A water monument… you can drink water if you are thirsty," a voice came from behind me as I saw someone entering the room behind me. I turned around. My eyes widened as I observed the man in front of me.

"You are… me?!" I spoke out as I was flabbergasted, looking at the exact copy of myself in front of me. Though… there was something different about him… I can\'t exactly pinpoint it, but… there is something different.

"Kind of… or maybe not. I don\'t know at this point but well whatever… I guess, I will begin explaining things in simpler terms," he spoke in the same voice as mine, but in a manner that was way more refined than I could.

"Are you my future or something?" I asked as I wondered cause I don\'t remember looking that… mature… ever in my life. So, is it a representation of my future? That would make sense.

"Future? Hmmm… maybe… or I think it is past… Or maybe a bit of both. Well, I am both, your past and future… would be correct. Though it won\'t make sense, I suppose, would it?" he asked with a slightly awkward face and I nodded.

Nothing he said made sense. He is my future AND past? What is it even supposed to mean?

"In any case, it would be better if we start helping you out as well. We don\'t have much time… though doing it late won\'t change anything either… Well, whatever," he spoke as he sighed a little and I turned confused at his words.

His eyes gazed at me. There was sadness in them. They felt odd. It was as if he knew me. But what exactly does that mean?

"Who are you?" I asked as I was genuinely confused. He felt familiar. Not just because he looked and spoke like me, but… it was as if he understood me.

"Try drinking water from that chalice," he spoke as he looked at me and I gripped my sword before I asked,"what if I don\'t?"


I saw my sword broken into pieces before I could do anything, and a voice came from behind.

"I can\'t really force you now, can I?" he smirked as he sarcastically asked me, holding a large piece of my broken sword.

I just looked at him with a bit of blank expression. Forget about breaking my sword and holding it in his hand. I couldn\'t even see him walking past me.

"You are strong…" I could only speak that before I asked,"can I know why do you want me to drink from that chalice? I won\'t die, would I?"

He chuckled a little before asking,"If I wanted to kill you, would I really need to do something like asking you to do it?" and I blankly nodded again.

Then I looked at him, watching me, before I began walking towards the chalice as I cupped my hands and slowly took a few sips of the water from it.

"Gulp," as soon as I drank the water, my eyes opened up wide as I felt like I had taken an elixir of life, before I started drinking more and more. I couldn\'t stop myself from taking more and more…

-Cough Cough

Because I was hurriedly taking in the water, I started coughing a little, but then I felt a hand on my back, gently rubbing my back.

"It\'s okay, take it easy… drink as much as you want," he spoke and I nodded before drinking more from it.

It took about an hour as I continuously kept drinking it and once I found the big water chalice all empty, I finally stopped, gaining back my senses.

"Now that you have drank that water, I guess I would help you out a little," he spoke before moving towards me and then taking out a strange purplish black sword that oozed out a strange aura.

-Stab! He then stabbed me with that sword, before it started sucking out all my energy… I felt like my life force itself was being sucked out into the sword. He kept absorbing my energy for the next few hours before he finally let it go.

I felt like my power… it went down to 10 percent of what it should have been, which made me look at him with a slight ashen face as I asked,"what did you do to me?" Though the answer he gave me was something else,"I will return this energy when you will see me again next time. Until then, use those… They are called the Deaths of Duality. They have the ability to take in Death Energy and also charge your own energy. Should be enough to bring your power back to normal.. Or perhaps even better. See you again, Reaper."

He then vanished from there without really explaining anything.The Deaths of Duality… the dual chained blades came into my vision as I looked in the direction where that guy was looking.

It was a golden door which I believe wasn\'t present until now…

Slowly walking towards the door… I opened it only to find a huge open altar in the center of which two dark blades chained to each other from their handles floating in the air in front of me. My eyes looked at the amount of Death Energy those were giving out and as if I felt a sense of familiarity… I raised my hand and they flew towards me before each of them settled in my hands.

"Beautiful," I spoke with a smile on my face as I felt those blades\' energy connecting with mine.

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